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Warm up before weightlifting! – Professional article about The importance of Warming Up

A few words about the importance of warming up (mobility/stretching) before lifting weights or sports training.

1. Warming up should be done at the beginning of every workout. In practice, you see that the more the athlete is injured, the more he tends to warm up in an orderly manner, this is to be careful not to injure himself again.
The truth is that it is a good idea to reverse the order, and not wait for an injury but to warm up well from the first day. Just like you don’t have to wait for a hole in a tooth to start taking care of your dental health.

2. The stiffer a person is, the more important the warm-up is. In some cases it exceeds the importance of strength training.

3. Some people will find the warm-up more difficult than the training itself. It’s a good thing. If you’re not ready for the warm-up, you’re not ready for the workout. For the elderly, for example: many of the warm-up exercises are excellent strength exercises.

Weightlifting elderly

4. It is useful to practice several times in the warm-up the ranges of motion that you are going to put weight on. You don’t want the first time you encounter the range of motion to be under load.

5. It is important to lightly exercise muscle groups that are prone to weakness. For example: lower trapezius, rotator cuff, and gluteus are the main ones, however, at the level of personal training, testing muscle balance and activation will give better answers.

trapezius muscle

6. It is important to prepare for the movement you are going to make. Football players need to practice some light sprints and cuts, shot putters need to practice light throws, basketball players need to practice landings, martial artists need to practice light kicks, and weightlifters need to practice light lifts, etc…

7. You won’t find it in the professional literature, but light sets around a problematic joint can make it easier. Older bodybuilders often have to do a few light sets of knee strikes before squats, lunges and light elbow bends as a warm-up when the elbow is problematic, you can also help. Experience shows that light pulling/rowing exercises before shoulder training are also beneficial.

8. This is the time to introduce movements that the trainee cannot yet perform. Crucial squats and Olympic lifts with a broomstick, TGU with an empty cup, etc. Then in the training itself work on exercises that he can perform with loads. If the time-the movements from the warm-up will take root and become training.

Weightlifting advice

9. During injury and recovery, practice the movement and technique you are currently unable to perform with zero loads [instead of neglecting it] and take the opportunity of zero loads to learn to feel it in the right place.

10. Static stretches are actually helpful. They can actually prevent muscle tears – the most common injury in sports, and the “terrible 5% loss of strength” is only after 45 seconds of stretching. Just don’t reach 45 seconds and enjoy both worlds.

Muscle groups that we think are important for performing static stretches:  pectoral muscles, thesmus, hamstrings, hip flexors.


11. There are important movements you want to perform every dayeven if it’s not the workout you’re supposed to be working on.
For example, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups and easy rowing with careful technique, and some kind of movement in which you stabilize a weight above your head are the recommended choices. Put them in for heating.

squat advice

12. Ball players – it’s time to practice the technique of cuts and landings. Strength people need to practice HIP HINGE and scapula guides.

13. You should often follow the “decade rule” for every decade in life you should add mobility training. If you are 20 then twice a week, if you are 70 then every day. Your body will thank you!


As you can see from the above, an investment of attention and intention is required. There are quite a few variables: the sport, age, weight, coordination, previous injuries, posture, muscular balance, etc..

The intention is to complete 20 exercises in ten minutes for an adult exerciser, 30 exercises in ten minutes for a young person.

For the most part, you prepare a video of it so they do it before training when they are at home, and the older trainees do it at home on a daily basis [which is really, really important for adults].